
Brett Furman Group News

Hey! Who Named You the Style Police?

When you invite a guest into your home for the first time, be it a friend, a neighbor, or a family member, you probably expect one of two things in terms of commentary: your guest either lavishes you with compliments on your taste in furnishings, or she keeps mum. What you likely DON’T expect is … Read more

Easy Way to Add Value to Your House

If you think you’ll be selling your house in the next year or so, here are some ways you can add value to your home. 1) Yard makeover This can be extremely detailed or simple; your choice. Simple things like adding ornamental shrubs take less than half a day. You can even add a couple … Read more

10 Qualities of a Top Real Estate Agent

Hiring a real estate agent is a big decision. This professional will give you the competitive edge as you search the local market and determine which home is best for you. So how can you know you have the right one? While each agent is going to bring his or her unique talents and strengths … Read more

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