Current Real Estate Listings

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Brett Furman Group Current Real Estate Listings

With decades of experience, the Brett Furman Group at RE/MAX Classic ranks as the #1 team of accomplished Realtors in the region.

Our sellers provide a 2.5% cooperating broker compensation.

Current Real Estate Listings – Our unmatched expertise, proven track record, and dedicated support translate into a seamless and satisfying experience tailored to your unique needs. When selling a cherished property, we provide personalized service, superior negotiation skills, and unwavering support to protect your best interests. Trust in our commitment to unparalleled excellence and embark on a rewarding real estate journey with the Brett Furman Group at RE/MAX Classic, where we consider it an honor and privilege to assist you, your friends, and your family in all your real estate endeavors.

Google Map with pins showing all the Brett Furman Group home sales from 2020-2023

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