
Brett Furman Group News

Don’t Get Locked Into A Long Listing Term Contract

Don’t Get Locked Into A Long Term Listing Contract

Why My Listing Agreements Stand Out in Pennsylvania Did you know the average real estate listing contract in Pennsylvania stretches over a whole year? Imagine being tied down for 365 days without any guaranteed expertise from your real estate agent. Sure, if they’re proficient, it’s smooth sailing. But what if they don’t meet your expectations? … Read more

The Secret to My Real Estate Success

The Secret to My Real Estate Success by Brett Furman

Unveiling the Key to My Achievement In a recent captivating piece featured in the esteemed Wall Street Journal, I uncovered fascinating insights about a cherished boulevard in Gladwyne. You’ll find the full article below. This narrative brought to mind one of my most triumphant tales in Main Line real estate, a narrative closely intertwined with … Read more

Be Prepared Before Downsizing In Real Estate

Be Prepared Before Downsizing In Real Estate

Preparing Your Home for Sale: A Comprehensive Guide When getting ready to list your property, understanding the preparation steps is as crucial as choosing a seasoned real estate professional. Collaborative efforts with Brett Furman Group have consistently delivered outstanding results. Here’s an actionable checklist for homeowners: Now, after all your diligent work, take a moment … Read more

Get Prepared Ahead Of Selling A Home

Get Prepared Ahead Of Selling A Home - Organize Before Putting Your Home on the Market

Congratulations on your decision to sell your home! Preparing for a listing, especially with the esteemed Brett Furman Group, requires some groundwork. As detailed in my book, “What You Really Need to Know About Selling Your House,” I’ve highlighted the fundamental elements to have ready before our meeting. As your trusted real estate guide, I … Read more

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