Brett Furman Group News

Don’t Get Locked Into A Long Listing Term Contract

Why My Listing Agreements Stand Out in Pennsylvania

Did you know the average real estate listing contract in Pennsylvania stretches over a whole year? Imagine being tied down for 365 days without any guaranteed expertise from your real estate agent. Sure, if they’re proficient, it’s smooth sailing. But what if they don’t meet your expectations? Should you have to endure and potentially miss out on a lucrative sale?

I might be a bit traditional in my values, but I prioritize integrity above all else. When you partner with me as your real estate agent, you’re never bound indefinitely. With my unique “Easy Exit Listing Agreement,” you can opt-out anytime. Just provide a two-week written notice. The only exceptions are during ongoing negotiations or if there’s a pending contract.

This agreement is your ticket to unmatched flexibility. The biggest advantage? It offers peace of mind and unparalleled freedom, ensuring you’re never trapped in an extended contract. Given the top-notch marketing skills of my team, I’m proud to highlight this innovative service prominently in our offerings.

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