
Brett Furman Group News

Does Your Agent Follow Up?

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When you’re buying or selling a home, you’ve literally got hundreds of thousands of dollars riding on making the right decision. Make sure you hire a full-time, experienced agent to work for you. We pride ourselves on being available 24/7. Having hired full-time staff to answer every phone call and licensed agents dedicated to specific areas of excellence.

Tips for Bank Owned Buyers

You may wonder what a bank-owned property is. The definition of a bank-owned property is “one that has reverted to the mortgage lender after the home fails to sell in a foreclosure auction”. Buying a bank owned home is not like a normal home buying procedure you may be familiar with. In this post, Brett Furman shares tips for Bank Owned Buyers. “My hope is that you will learn something new and understand that you too, could buy a bank owned home.”

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